Polished GameJam Version
When making Sweven in the Brackeys GameJam we had 7 days to complete a game. We had to cut a lot of things we would have wanted to include and had to ignore some helpful feedback from our friends because there simply was not enough time. When the deadline hit and the first wave of feedback rolled in much of it was sweet and positive but we also got a lot of constructive notes. I was quite shocked how i could have missed some of the more common complains. Not 15 minutes after the deadline I had a working version with auto-pickup enabled and the game felt so much better for it. We could have included it, could have found the 15 minutes somewhere, but now it is to late and all my fellow jammers had to play the annoying version with a lot of clicking. Without hindsight and under time pressure obvious things become hard. We resolved to not fall into despair but to update to a slightly better version.
Over the two week rating-periode we collected the most common suggestions :
- to much unnecessary clicking
- ctrl + wasd is bad for some browsers
- tasks and progression are unclear
- some players got lost
We addressed them with :
- autopickup for trees and stones
- changed control scheme to only use spacebar
- there is an arrow indicator pointing to the next interessting location
- a minimap showing you the world and surrounding tasks
We also added some polish to the world :
- Trees have a fall animation
- Sheeps bounce happily when you talk to them
- Clouds and Bridges have distinct sounds while walking over them
- Carrot fields can now hold up to six carrots
We hope you give the improved version a try.
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